Managing containerized Ceph clusters with cephadm

Cephadm is a great new feature of Ceph v15.2.0 (Octopus). By using cephadm, users have more freedom and flexibility to think about the future migration paths. But what is cephadm it exactly? Well, the goal of cephadm is to provide a fully-featured, robust, and well-maintained installation method. It deploys Ceph in containers while not depending […]

A huge thanks to Sage Weil

Ceph was developed by Sage Weil in 2003 as a part of his Ph.D. project. It was open sourced in 2006 to serve as a reference implementation and research platform. DreamHost, a Los Angeles-based web hosting and domain registrar company also co-founded by Sage Weil, supported Ceph development from 2007 to 2011. During this period Ceph as we know it took shape: the […]

SUSE pulls the plug on SES. What are your options now?

A few months back the news came that SUSE stops supporting its Ceph-based SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES) product to their customers. And, with one eye on Rancher, will promote Longhorn instead. As we support mostly very avid Ceph storage teams we dove into the options you have if you are now a SUSE Enterprise Storage […]

42on at Ceph month!

With June already here, it is time for the annual Ceph month. Previously held as a conference and called Cephalocon, this year the event will be held online due to obvious reasons. So, why Ceph month? Ceph month aims at bringing together engineers and architects with an interest in Ceph, software-defined storage, and data center […]

Cephalocon 2021, Let’s talk Ceph!

At this moment we are busy with the organization of another Cephalocon. Cephalocon is an annual event organized by the Ceph Foundation. By organizing Cephalocon, Ceph aims to bring together technologists and adopters from across the globe to showcase Ceph’s history and its future, demonstrate real-world applications, and highlight vendor solutions. By doing this, Ceph […]

Press release

Fairbanks, leading provider in open source cloud solutions, announces the acquisition of 42on, leading provider of services for the scalable, open source Ceph storage platform. With this acquisition, Fairbanks expands its service portfolio in the open infrastructure realm. Ruud Harmsen, founder and CEO of Fairbanks: “We have been managing and supporting highly available private OpenStack […]

HAProxy in front of Ceph Manager dashboard

The Ceph Mgr dashboard plugin allows for an easy dashboard which can show you how your Ceph cluster is performing. In certain situations you can’t contact the Mgr daemons directly and you have to place a Proxy server between your computer and the Mgr daemons. This can be done easily with HAProxy and the following […]

VXLAN with VyOS and Ubuntu 18.04

VXLAN Virtual Extensible LAN uses encapsulation technique to encapsulate OSI layer 2 Ethernet frames within layer 4 UDP datagrams. More on this can be found on the link provided. For a Ceph and CloudStack environment I needed to set up a Proof-of-Concept using VXLAN and some refurbished hardware. The main purpose of this PoC is […]

Placement Groups with Ceph Luminous stay in activating state

Placement Groups stuck in activating When migrating from FileStore with BlueStore with Ceph Luminuous you might run into the problem that certain Placement Groups stay stuck in the activating state. 44 activating+undersized+degraded+remapped PG Overdose This is a side-effect of the new PG overdose protection in Ceph Luminous. Too many PGs on your OSDs can cause […]

Quick overview of Ceph version running on OSDs

When checking a Ceph cluster it’s useful to know which versions you OSDs in the cluster are running. There is a very simple on-line command to do this: ceph osd metadata|jq ‘.[].ceph_version’|sort|uniq -c Running this on a cluster which is currently being upgraded to Jewel to Luminous it shows: 10 “ceph version 10.2.6 (656b5b63ed7c43bd014bcafd81b001959d5f089f)” 1670 […]