The importancy of upgrading and updating Ceph consistently

During our Ceph consultancy projects, we often get questions about Ceph versions. A question we get a lot is about what Ceph version should be used, do I use the latest or an earlier version? Another question is about running different Ceph versions on one cluster, is this a bad thing? I thought it might […]

Migration options for SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES) users

A few weeks ago, I posted a blog about how SUSE pulled the plug on SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES). SES is a Linux-based computer data storage product developed by SUSE and built on Ceph technology. A quick recap on the matter is that in 2020, SUSE acquired Rancher Labs, a Kubernetes management software vendor, and […]

SUSE pulls the plug on SES. What are your options now?

A few months back the news came that SUSE stops supporting its Ceph-based SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES) product to their customers. And, with one eye on Rancher, will promote Longhorn instead. As we support mostly very avid Ceph storage teams we dove into the options you have if you are now a SUSE Enterprise Storage […]