Interview with the Fairbanks and 42on HR executive

At Fairbanks and 42on we just love open source! And 2022 was another beautiful year for us, filled with open source awesomeness and challenges. As a company we are always looking forward, but for this blog, let’s look back for a minute. To gain another inside perspective, we have interviewed our HR executive for this […]

42on looking back on 2022

42on looking back on 2022, by Wout van Heeswijk Now that the end of the year is near, Fairbanks and 42on like to reminisce a little on the past year. To do this from multiple perspectives we have interviewed some of our colleagues. Earlier this week we published the interview with Eric Kessels (CTO of […]

Kubernetes storage backend with Rook

About Rook This year we have seen lots of traction of the Rook project and have been talking much about the adoption of Rook within production infrastructures of our clients. We see more and more companies work with it and listened to how efficient the solution is. The reason why we talk much about Rook, […]

The discontinuing of SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES)

The discontinuing of SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES)

The discontinuing of SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES) As you have probably heard by now, SUSE is discontinuing its Ceph-based storage product, SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES). A moment to stress? No. Instead of the open-source-based enterprise object storage platform, the enterprise Linux distributor is now opting for its own persistent storage application, Rancher Longhorn. 42on can […]

How to break your Ceph cluster

How it began In the past we have talked about how to break your Ceph cluster. It began with a talk on ‘’10 ways to break your Ceph cluster’’. This is a presentation that was held by Wido den Hollander, the founder of 42on, during a Ceph conference in Germany. You can watch that talk […]

Ceph user survey

Each year Ceph holds a user survey to measure trends, improvements, and actual requests for functionalities. These surveys are very convenient for making hypothesizes about user behaviors as well. Thus, each year new user surveys are conducted to keep the data up to date. Two weeks ago, I shared some highlights about the 2021 OpenStack […]

Ceph Quincy, a look into the future

Every year, a new Ceph version is released. In 2019, version 14 (Nautilus) was released, in 2020, version 15 (Octopus) and in 2021, version 16 called Pacific. These versions have an end of life date, so make sure you are up-to-date and operate the same version throughout your Ceph clusters. The end of life date […]

Deploying a Ceph cluster with cephadm

Cephadm deploys and manages a Ceph cluster. It does this by connecting the manager daemon to hosts via SSH. The manager daemon is able to add, remove, and update Ceph containers. In this blog, I will provide you with a little more information about deploying a Ceph cluster using cephadm. Cephadm manages the full lifecycle of a […]

About RBD, Rados Block Device

For anybody enjoying Latin pop in the 2000s, RBD was a popular Mexican pop band from Mexico City labeled by EMI Virgin. The group achieved international success from 2004 until their separation in 2009 and sold over 15 million records worldwide, making them one of the best-selling Latin music artists of all time. The group […]

Managing containerized Ceph clusters with cephadm

Cephadm is a great new feature of Ceph v15.2.0 (Octopus). By using cephadm, users have more freedom and flexibility to think about the future migration paths. But what is cephadm it exactly? Well, the goal of cephadm is to provide a fully-featured, robust, and well-maintained installation method. It deploys Ceph in containers while not depending […]