Cephalocon 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands!

Cephalocon 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands!

What is it?
Cephalocon is coming up again, this year from April 16th to 18th. If you are not familiar with it you might wonder: “But what exactly is Cephalocon?” For instance, as the Ceph Foundation describes it ‘’Cephalocon is the yearly event that brings together the global community of operators, developers, and researchers for Ceph, the open source distributed storage system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability, and scalability. Join new and existing community members from around the world to learn more about Ceph and the future of the project from the developers writing the code and the operators deploying it at scale.’’

When and where?
The Cephalocon is held once each year. In previous years the Cephalocon was held in the US, Barcelona, London and China amongst other places. This year the Cephalocon will be held in the 42on home country, The Netherlands (Amsterdam) from April 16th to 18th. So, if you are looking for a reason to visit Amsterdam apart from the Cephalocon, this would be a great opportunity to combine the trip with the Cephalocon. Another reason Amsterdam is the place to be that week is because of the Kubecon is also held that week, directly after the Cephalocon from April 18th to 21st.

The organization of these two events in one week at the same location is no coincidence. The Ceph Foundation is organized as a directed fund under the Linux Foundation, which is also home to other projects and cross-project foundations, including the Linux and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that hosts Kubernetes and Rook.

What is discussed?
During each Cephalocon, various topics are discussed that surround Ceph and cloud technology. Some examples of earlier discussed topics are: Ceph performance plus organization, multi-site and multi-cluster data services, developer processes, tools and challenges and much, much more. 42on has held talks on previous Cephalocons as well. Some topics discussed by 42on within the last 2 years were: 10 ways to break your Ceph cluster, distributed open cloud storage, qemu librbd vs krbd performance and RBD latency with QD=1 bs=4k.

In case you are interested, you can listen to and see the talks through the following links.

·      10 ways to break your ceph cluster: https://youtu.be/oFDPKqMEb3w

·      Distributed open cloud storage: https://youtu.be/q08KgeBcyAM

·      Qemu librbd vs krbd performance: https://youtu.be/iVCPjNZa7N0

·      RBD latency with QD=1 bs=4k: https://youtu.be/S1qIkJEbBFk

This year we are preparing a talk once more. Subscribe to our 42on Youtube channel if you would like to follow us and receive updates on talks and presentations.

What are we planning?
Because of the location, we are even more excited than usual. Since we know the city of Amsterdam pretty well, we hope to organize something interesting and fun, apart from the technical talks. Currently, we are discussing the possibilities with the Ceph Foundation and will keep you posted on the developments around it.

Do you plan on being present at this year’s Cephalocon? Let us know in the comments and who knows, maybe we can meet up. Feel free to contact me about it.

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