Ceph with a cluster and public network on IPv6

Ceph with a cluster and public network on IPv6

I’m a big fan of Ceph and IPv6, so I always try to deploy Ceph over IPv6 when possible. Ceph is the future, just like IPv6 is. Why implement legacy?

Recently I did a deployment of Ceph with a public and cluster network running over IPv6. It has a small catch, so I let me explain the cluster and public network first.

Ceph cluster and public network

This image comes from the Ceph documentation and shows the two types of network:

  • Public network for clients and monitors
  • Cluster network for inter-OSD communication (Replication and recovery)

If you want to run your Ceph cluster over IPv6 you have a couple of settings to make:

ms_bind_ipv6 = true
mon_host = [2a00:f10:XX:XX::XX]:6789, [2a00:f10:XX:XX::XY]:6789, [2a00:f10:XX:XX::YY]:6789

As you can see, you have to write the IPv6 address enclosed by [ and ]

When configuring the cluster and/or public network in the ceph.conf you should however not use them:

public_network = 2a00:f10:XX:XX:XX::/64
cluster_network = 2a00:f10:XX:XX:XY::/64

When that is set correctly it should all be working fine and your Ceph cluster will be running over IPv6 with different networks!

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